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Regional Prosperity Initative Strategies
Creating Vibrant Places
Strategy: Strengthen the quality of place throughout Northeast Michigan to entice talent and business development.
- Target investment into small, urban centers.
- Coordinate placemaking at a regional level to link urban and rural places visually, functionally and culturally.
Regional Branding
Strategy: Increase national and global recognition of the region by showcasing a consistent and effective Northeast Michigan image.
- Engage a branding consultant to develop the regional brand and brand guidelines.
- Utilize the regional brand in all marketing materials and communications.
Supportive Systems for Business Growth
Strategy: Facilitate entrepreneurship and grow existing businesses in the region.
- Create a supportive environment throughout the region for entrepreneurial development.
- Diversify and globally connect businesses in the region.
Industry Cluster: Tourism
Strategy: Present Northeast Michigan to the global community as a high quality regional destination
- Establish a strategic tourism partnership for Region 3.
- Create a positive visitor first impression with service excellence.
- Access the national and global tourism Market Place through Web-based presence.
- Excel in quality product development by collaboration with agencies involved with tourism.
- Encourage regional promotion, marketing, and communications.
- Protect natural resources and the environment
Industry Cluster: Wood
Strategy: Expand, enhance, and support the Wood Products Industry Cluster in the Region.
- Continue to provide professional marketing and business development assistance to continue to implement the production of value-added furniture products in the region.
- Implement effective vocational and entrepreneurial training programs for the wood industry.
- Provide lifelong learning opportunities for the wood industry.
- Bring the wood industry wider recognition.
Industry Cluster: Local Foods
Strategy: Expand, enhance, and support the Local Foods Cluster in the Region.
- Establish a food hub in Northeast Michigan.
- Increase the number of food product entrepreneurial businesses in Northeast Michigan.
- Engage local residents in food products manufacturing.
- Increase the awareness of residents of the local food industry.
Energy & Efficiency
Strategy: Move toward sustainability by seizing green opportunities in Northeast Michigan.
- Develop a Renewable Energy Goal for Northeast MI
- Expand renewable energy opportunities in the region.
- Increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
Aerospace Research, Testing & Maintenance
Strategy: Expand, enhance, and support the Aerospace Cluster in the Region.
- Increase the number of aerospace business opportunities in the region.
Cultivating Our Workforce & Talent
Strategy: Attract, develop and retain a talented workforce in Northeast Michigan.
Michigan Works! Agency:
- Increase funding for workforce programs
- Improve the region’s workforce image.
- Increase cooperative activities and improve operational effectiveness and efficiency.
Post-Secondary Education:
- Improve the awareness and availability of beyond-high school training opportunities to increase the incidence of talent and resident retention.
- Allow for greater economies among post-secondary educational organizations.
- Increase worker retention rates, grow worker earnings, improve production capacities, and create company/organizational growth.
Adult Education Service Providers:
- Reduce the number of dropouts, increase the number of people using Adult Basic Education (ABE) services, increase General Educational Development (GED) completions and create better client employment capacities.
- Maximize limited fiscal resources for service effectiveness, efficiency, and diversity and ensure residents can more easily obtain services at locations “close-to-home”.
Talent Retention:
- Retain talent workers in the region.
Public Transit:
- Provide transportation to work and training.
Strategy: Ensure adequate infrastructure exists which meets the needs of business, residents, and visitors.
- Expand high speed internet access throughout the region.
- Ensure adequate municipal infrastructure exists.
- Enhance transportation connections.
Regional Agency Collaboration
Strategy: Collaborate to provide consistent and coordinated level of service in the region.
- Economic Development Organizations
- Chambers of Commerce
- Business Expeditor Team