Hawes Township Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment - Date TBD
The Hawes Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on (date TBD) at 6 pm to recommend a zoning ordinance amendment to the Township Board. The public hearing will be held at the Hubbard Lake South Shore Fire Department at 367 Mt. Maria Drive, Spruce, MI. The full text of the amendment is available online at http://www.discovernortheastmichigan.org/zoning.asp, or by contacting Rodney Cordes at 989-736-8460 or by email at cordesrhawestownship@gmail.com. Written comments may be sent to Rodney Cordes at 2006 N Stout Rd, Barton City, MI 48705 prior to the meeting. The public may appear at the public hearing in person or by counsel. A summary of the amendment is as follows:
Amend Section 9.09 (Violations) to make a violation of the Zoning Ordinance a nuisance per se and to establish that anyone who creates or maintains a nuisance per se shall be responsible for a municipal civil infraction and that each day it occurs shall be a separate violation. The Township Supervisor and Zoning Administrator are authorized to issue municipal civil infraction citations and the ordinance will be enforced through a municipal civil infraction proceeding. The Township may initiate proceedings in Circuit Court to abate or eliminate a violation.