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Joint Online Recreation Survey Conducted by the Village of Hillman and Hillman Township

August 21, 2024 – The Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) is assisting the Village of Hillman and Hillman Township with updating their Recreation Plan. The Village and Township are collaboratively developing a joint community recreation plan.

 A Community Recreation Plan contains plans for all recreational facilities within these communities. Communities are required to have 5-Year DNR-approved Recreation Plans to qualify for grant funding from the Michigan DNR. Citizen input is critical to help draft the plan.

Here’s how you can help. The village and township have developed an online recreation survey to gather public opinions on recreation, and they hope to hear from everyone who uses recreational facilities in the area. If you would like to give your opinion on parks and recreation in the Hillman area to help them plan for future improvements, please take the online survey. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is available online. Please click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HillmanAreaRecreation

Created on Wednesday, August 21, 2024