Home / News / Wilson Township Public Hearing Aug 7 for Zoning Amendment for Small Scale Solar

Wilson Township Public Hearing Aug 7 for Zoning Amendment for Small Scale Solar

The Wilson Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on August 7, 2024, at 6 pm on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The public hearing will be held at the Township Hall at 3746 King Settlement Road, Alpena, MI. 49707.  The full text of the amendment is available below. Written comments may be sent to the address above prior to the meeting.  The public may appear at the public hearing in person or by counsel.  The amendment is being requested by Michael Kaiser of 7684 Wolf Creek Road, Herron, MI. The amendment is summarized as follows:

Section 2.2: Add definition of Small-Scale Solar Energy Facilities and amend the definition of Utility-Scale Solar Facilities.

Section 4.6 (R-2), 4.10 (FF), 4.11 (B-1), 4.12 (B-2), 4.13 (B-3), 4.14 (I), 4.15 (A) and 4.16 (Full Table of Permitted & Special Land Uses) – add Small Scale Solar Facilities as a Special Land Use. (Wilson Township added this portion of the amendment).

Section 7.30 (Solar Energy Facilities). Small-Scale Solar Energy Facilities of 10 MW or less that occupy less than 75 acres as a Special Land Use in the R-2, FF, B-1, B-2, B-3, I, and A Districts without regard to the solar overlay. Small Scale Solar Facilities would be held to the same site plan and development standards as Utility-Scale Solar Facilities. The amendment would require solar energy facilities greater than 50 MW to provide evidence that the electric utility has been informed of the intent to install utility-scale solar.


Created on Wednesday, July 17, 2024